Hypothesis testing in Statistics:¶
- Reading :
- Techniques:
Common hypothesis tests include:
Testing a population mean One sample t-test.
Testing the difference in means Two sample t-test
Testing the difference before and after some treatment on the same individual Paired t-test
Testing a population proportion One sample z-test
Testing the difference between population proportions Two sample z-test
You can use one of these sites to provide a t-table or z-table to support one of the above approaches:
- Generalized Stats Models:
- A/B Testing :
- Drawbacks :
Can help you compare two options, but it can’t tell you about an option you haven’t considered.
Can only compare can’t tell the increment in outcome.
- Bias results on existing users :
Change Aversion: Existing users may give an unfair advantage to the old version, simply because they are unhappy with change, even if it’s ultimately for the better.
Novelty Effect: Existing users may give an unfair advantage to the new version, because they’re excited or drawn to the change, even if it isn’t any better in the long run.
- Difficulties in A/B Testing
Novelty effect and change aversion when existing users first experience a change
Sufficient traffic and conversions to have significant and repeatable results
Best metric choice for making the ultimate decision (eg. measuring revenue vs. clicks)
Long enough run time for the experiment to account for changes in behavior based on time of day/week or seasonal events.
Practical significance of a conversion rate (the cost of launching a new feature vs. the gain from the increase in conversion)
Consistency among test subjects in the control and experiment group (imbalance in the population represented in each group can lead to situations like Simpson’s Paradox)
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